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mercredi 9 juillet 2014

Creating A Few Successful Partnerships

By Rosella Campbell

If you have plans on getting some new additions to your company, then you are advised to read this article first. Take note that you are putting your main source of income on the line here. Thus, you should be able to think things through so that everything would turn out fine for you. So, read on and have no regrets.

The first thing that you need to do is talk to lawyers about the actions that you are about to make. If they think that it would be best for your business to you to have several partnerships, then that is already the go signal that you require to proceed with your selection process. So, be able to talk to these professionals ahead of time.

Second, you need to have the same end goals with the candidates on your list. Otherwise, they will never be peace in your company. They will not serve as your partners but enemies instead. So, it will really be best for you to have them on your side and not against you. Thus, settle for your friends or close acquaintances as your partners.

Third, see to it that your prospects are as motivated as you are. Keep in mind that you cannot be a small time business owner for the rest of your life. You would have to climb up the corporate ladder as each year goes by. So, your candidates should be able to share the same drive that you possess for you not to have any problems in the end.

You would also have to agree with a lot of things outside your business. These people would just need to be your almost exact replica. Otherwise, your employees would not obey them and there would only be chaos in your workplace. Organization would be lost which is actually an important characteristic in a company.

You can consider your family members as well. By keeping the business within your family, you can be guaranteed that someone would take care of your legacy when you are no longer on Earth. So, keep your little ones informed on the company so that they might follow your footsteps one day.

On the other hand, strict punishments are required to be implemented in your business. Your partners are definitely under the coverage of these rules. If they violate any of your company regulations, then you have no choice but to either oust them from their position or give them the penalty that you have set.

You would also have to deal with the absences of your partners. If they are not around, then someone should be able to take their place. With this kind of arrangement, the operation of your company would be able to move on and your employees would be kept disciplined at the same time.

Lastly, come up with an effective exit plan. Make sure that it is an effective one. Otherwise, you will certainly find yourself with no money and business at the same time. So, be ready at all times.

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