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vendredi 11 juillet 2014

What You Need To Know About Lobby Signage

By Rosella Campbell

Putting up a sign these days is a very important marketing strategy that has been able to reach out to so many people at once. When it comes to putting up a sign, the location is the most important factor to consider. Lobby signage for example has become very common these days thanks to the fact that lobbies are expected to be used by so many people in a single day. There are so many advantages that an organization can get from putting up their signs in lobbies apart from marketing alone.

When you walk through a lobby and happen to see a sign belonging to a certain company or organization, it is most likely that the organization exists within the premises or the building. Apart from this, you will know where to go when you need the services of the organization. This way, companies and organizations that choose to put up their signs in lobbies have much to gain.

When an organization or a company chooses to put its sign in the lobbies, it is very important that the sign executes its purpose. First of all, a sign should b able to attract the attention of people passing by. This means that is should be designed and decorated in such a way that one can easily notice it. This is in fact the main purpose of signs.

With the rising popularity of using these signs as a marketing technique, experts have come up with modern sign designs that are guaranteed to attract attention. One of the newest improvements made of this marketing strategy is the use of a glass background and a colored light. This makes the sign to be illuminated hence attracting attention. The color used to decorate a sign must in all times be relevant to the theme and services of an organization.

There was a time when bill board marketing was the most efficient marketing strategy. This made most organization to make bill board marketing their first priority. This made billboard marketing to be on high demand and companies that provided these services took advantage of the high demands and started charging high fees for their services. When it was discovered that lobbies could be used to advertise using signs, most organizations have switched to it since it is just as effective as billboards but less costly.

When looking for which lobbies to put up a sign, it is very important to make sure that your sign remains relevant to the public. This you can do by looking at the type of people you expect to use the lobbies.

You should also know that not all lobbies are ideal for your advertisement purposes. You should know the people you are targeting so that you avoid being irrelevant since that can cost your business a great deal.

One disadvantage of this marketing strategy just like any other marketing strategy is that even competing organizations can all apply it and the worst part is that all of them might end up using the same lobby.

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