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mardi 9 septembre 2014

With Bail Bonds Orlando Citizens That Were Arrested Can Go Free

By Mattie MacDonald

The vast majority of the population is generally law abiding and responsible citizens. Yet thousands of people are arrested each year. It is not only hardened felons that find themselves on the wrong side of the law either. Many ordinary people make stupid mistakes such as driving after drinking or by becoming involved in transactions they should never have considered. At least, with bail bonds Orlando citizens that were arrested can be released quickly.

It is not practical or fair to keep people that were arrested incarcerated until their cases can be heard in court. In the majority of cases, arrested people are therefore allowed to go free, provided they agree to keep the conditions stipulated by the court. A surety has to be paid before the person concerned can be released, however. If the conditions set by the court are breached, the surety will be forfeited.

In some cases the court will not agree to release the accused until the case is heard. Being accused of certain serious crimes such as murder and rape often means that the accused will have to remain in custody. Repeat offenders are also often kept in custody. If the court is of the opinion that the accused can pose a danger to other people, he may also refuse to release him.

People that were arrested often do not have the cash that is necessary to secure their release. In such cases the services of bondmen may be useful. Bondsmen specialize in providing cash loans to those that must pay a surety to the court. The accused will have to enter into written contract with the bondman and he will have to pay a fee of approximately ten per cent of the loan amount.

Disregarding the release conditions stipulated by the court can have very serious consequences. Those in breach will almost certainly be arrested again. This time round they will not qualify for release until their cases have been heard by court. This can have a detrimental effect on the career and family life of the accused. If the contract with the bondsman is not honored, the accused may see his assets confiscated and sold on auction.

Critics of the system maintain that it is a big mistake to allow any accused people to go free, even if it is just until their court dates. They say that the system perpetuates crime and that it favors criminals while ignoring the safety of law abiding citizens. However, there are a large number of arrests each year and it is simply not practical to keep every arrested person in prison for extended periods.

It must also be kept in mind that many people are found not guilty and that a lot of cases are dismissed before they even progress to court. It would be unconstitutional to keep such people incarcerated indefinitely. All accused have to be considered innocent until they have been proven guilty. The interests of the family of the accused must also be kept in mind.

When arrested it is vital to immediately appoint an attorney. The attorney will do everything possible to secure release as quickly as is possible. It is also important to refrain from making statements before a lawyer has been appointed. Once released the accused must cooperate with the authorities and heed the release conditions.

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