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vendredi 16 mai 2014

Strategies Used By Many Birmingham Telesales Companies

By Jemima Hart

Although traditional marketing strategies have changed in recent years with the rise in online marketing, telesales is still widely used as many feel that it is a great way of generating sales. Provided the telesales campaign is highly targeted, it is a good way of gaining information from customers and engaging with them. Here are a few top tips which are used by successful Birmingham telesales companies:

First of all, ensure that the data is up to date. Only contact those customers which are targeted - cold calling outside of the list will only irritate people who are not relevant to the product or service which is being sold.

It is important to establish what the reason for the campaign is - perhaps it is to sell a specific product or service or maybe it is to carry out customer research and find out set pieces of information?

A telesales specialist should not have to follow a script. Although the telesales worker will have specific objectives which need to be achieved during the telephone call, the conversation should be natural and organic, without sounding like the caller is simply reading from a script. Answer the customer's questions but gently guide them back to the main topic of conversation.

If the caller is able to agree a day and a time for a follow up telephone call or a meeting, then it is important that they see this through. Not completing this stage will mean that the customer is wasting their time and may not agree to help in the future.

Once the telesales campaign has finished, it is important to evaluate the campaign in order to measure the success. It may be that areas for improvement for future campaigns can be found, for example questions may need to be reworded in order to gain the necessary results. Many telesales companies have the equipment to record telephone conversations, which means that the calls can be listened to again at a later date. This gives staff the opportunity to identify areas for improvement and also to use the recorded calls for training purposes.

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