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jeudi 15 mai 2014

Taco Bell Hired 15,000 Thanks To Doritos Locos

By Cornelius Nunev

One of the terms that gets flung around, specifically during presidential campaign seasons, is "job creators." A ton of things could be job makers, apparently even tacos as Taco Bell's Doritos Locos tacos reportedly added 15,000 jobs to Taco Bell's payrolls.

Doritos Locos were a fantastic idea

Amazon founding investor Nick Hanauer was recently on those "TED" Talks. He explained that businesses do not create careers so much as customers do.

If people want a commodity, that demand gives rise to creating a chain of supply. Executives and venture capitalists, in essence, have their careers produced by the de-mand.

TED's executives buried the footage, which is now accessible on YouTube. Apparent-ly they didn't want to bruise executive egos.

Taco Bell proved his point though. Taco Bell, in fact, is adding 15,000 careers to the payroll simply since the "Doritos Locos" tacos were quite popular and there was such a high demand, according to Daily Mail.

Way too many fans

Granted, Taco Bell doesn't say exactly HOW 15,000 careers were added by Doritos Locos. It does seem slightly ridiculous - is that 15,000 more people making the stuff for them? Does it consist of truckers, restaurant staff?

That aside, the tasty treats were a smashing success. After test runs in restricted locations went well, Taco Bell rolled them out nationwide. Over 2012, 375 million were sold and that many taco followers can't be wrong. It accounted, according to the Christian Science Monitor, for almost a quarter of Taco Bell's taco sales.

The Nacho Cheese flavor was released last year. In the last couple of weeks, the Cool Ranch flavor was released, according to the LA Times. The Cool Ranch fla-vor has 140 calories and 7 grams of fat while the nacho flavor has 160 calories and 10 grams of fat. It also costs less than $2 per taco, so it will not break the personal bank to spend there.

Same thing as McRib

People have gone absolutely insane over the Doritos tacos. It does not make any sense, but it is what people are doing. It was just like what happened with the McRibs, which were also gross.

Maybe this wonderful modern day IS that dull.

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